Toto, we're still in Kansas

     Trivia question: I've been listening to a lot of radio this trip and there is one song I've heard at least once every travel day and twice a day in Canada. Hint: it's by a British group and its about how you don't have to be godlike to be a superhero. Answer later.
     Spent a day tooling around Kansas City. The attractions are lined up north to south from the limited access to the Missouri River through a market area. Then you have to skip two interstates to get to downtown and then on to the museum district. There are a lot of museums.
    A couple of weeks ago we went to FDR's presidential library in Hyde Park. Since then we've driven by Woodrow Wilson's Library in Staunton, VA, and  Harry Tuman's in Independence, MO. We stopped at neither. Today we stopped at Eisenhower's library in Abilene, Kansas. Small town boy from the wrong side of the tracks makes good. We then drove through Wamego, which bills itself as Wizard of Oz central. It has an Oz museum, an Oz winery, and later this month hosts Oztoberfest. Soon after our visit the wind, appropriately, picked up and the radio warned of thunder and hail storms in the area. Fortunately, we did not get blown to Oz. Tomorrow we land in Denver.
    The trivia answer is "Something Just Like This" by Coldplay. I can't decide if it is sappy or great. At present I am leaning toward great.
 Romance is alive and well in KC


  1. Ike, Toto, Cher, Celine, Bono -- some beings only need one name. Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs apparently needed quite a few. Just thinking out loud. -- Barbara


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